This is because the heating and cooling, as purely physical methods of impact on the wine, not associated with the introduction into it of other, not peculiar substances. On the other hand, these techniques cause the complex physics-chemical and biochemical processes, many of which are similar to the processes taking place during maturation and aging of wine in the wild. For all these technological stages, heat transfer equipment of various types is used, and, in the first place - frame plate heat exchangers.
Heat transfer surface of the plate heat exchanger consists of a set of plates with seals, pairs of lines for the passage of fluids. Pack plates secured between the stationary and the pressure plate and hermetically tightened bolts.

Figure 1: Construction of one-section plate heat exchanger
The plates are assembled into the package through many contact points, thus ensuring resistance of the design to high pressure. Corrugation pattern of the plates enhances turbulence, and reduces the probability of sediments on the plate surface. The minimum temperature difference between heating medium inlet and outlet can be 1 ° C, which is particularly valuable for the section of regeneration in the pasteurization equipment.
Package can consist of plates with different corrugation patterns.
Plates with horizontally oriented profile characterized by high heat transfer rates with relatively large pressure differences, whereas for a plate with a vertically oriented profiles are characterized by small variations in pressure with less heat transfer rates.
Combining the horizontal and vertical profiles can obtain the optimal values of hydraulic resistance and heat transfer coefficients.
Large variety of types of plates makes effective use of plate heat exchangers for different processes.